Pension types
Our Pension Types section is the ideal place to identify your pensions. Discover the difference between defined benefit and defined contribution, and learn what workplace pension you might have been enrolled in. Or if you’re nearing retirement, get to grips with drawdown and annuities.
What is a defined contribution pension?
Find out what a defined contribution pension is and how they work. Learn how to build your pension and how you can access your savings in retirement.
What is a defined benefit pension?
Find out how defined benefit pensions are calculated, the things you need to consider before moving one and how to access your savings when you retire.
The pros and cons of defined benefit pensions
Find out how defined benefit pensions differ from defined contribution pensions, for better and worse.
What is the State Pension?
Learn how the State Pension works and how many years of National Insurance Contributions you need to receive the full State Pension.
State Pension Forecast
The conditions for obtaining the State Pension, and how much you’ll get, have been revised several times over recent years, therefore, a personalised State Pension forecast may help you plan for your retirement.
What is a personal pension?
Find out what a personal pension is and how it differs from a workplace pension. Learn how tax relief works and who personal pensions are designed for.
What is a private pension?
Find out what a private pension is and discover how tax relief can help grow your savings. Learn how easy it is to start a pension with PensionBee.
What is a workplace pension?
Find out how workplace pensions work and what is expected of you and your employer. Discover how Auto-Enrolment works and how PensionBee can help.
What is a stakeholder pension?
Find out how stakeholder pensions work and discover the charges they can bring. Learn how to access a stakeholder scheme and how to move one if you wish.
What is a public sector pension?
Find out what a public sector pension is and which employees are likely to have one. Learn how its value is calculated and things to consider.
What is an AVC pension?
Unsure what an AVC pension is? Find out how they work, and learn about the tax benefits it can give you.
What is a SSAS pension?
Find out what an SSAS pension is and learn about the rules that apply. Learn more about the tax benefits they can bring and how you can cash a SSAS pension in.
What is a salary sacrifice pension?
Want to contribute more into your workplace pension? Find out how a salary sacrifice pension works and discover the tax benefits they can bring.
What is Auto-Enrolment?
Learn what Auto-Enrolment is and why it was introduced. Find out how it works and how your employer can help grow your pension savings.
Should I draw down or buy an annuity?
Find out the benefits of using drawdown and buying an annuity with your pension and how these two products compare on flexibility, inheritance and tax.
What is a drawdown pension?
Learn what a drawdown pension is and discover how it can enable you to flexibly access your pension in retirement.
What is a pension annuity?
Find out what a pension annuity is, how annuity rates work and the different types of annuity that are available for a fixed period or until death.
What is flexi-access drawdown?
Learn how flexi-access drawdown works, the rules that apply and the benefits of accessing your pension only when you need it.
What is a capped drawdown pension?
Find out how capped drawdown works and learn more about the GAD limits. Discover how tax relief on capped drawdown pensions work and the death benefits.
What is a crystallised pension?
Find out how crystallised pensions work and the rules that apply. Learn how you can crystalise your pension with PensionBee.
Combine your pensions
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