Savings and investments
Our saving and investments section is the place to find out more about saving and investing. Discover more about the different types of ISAs, savings accounts and investing, both in terms of pension investments and more generally.
What is a Stocks and Shares ISA?
A Stocks and Shares ISA - or Individual Savings Account - is a type of tax-efficient account that allows you to invest in funds, bonds and company shares. The money you invest has the potential to grow faster than a Cash ISA or regular savings account, where rates of return are fixed in advance.
What is a Cash ISA?
A Cash ISA (Individual Savings Account) is a type of savings account where you don’t pay tax on your interest. They’re generally considered to be lower risk than other types of ISAs.
Should I pay into a pension or an ISA?
Learn the benefits of saving into an ISA and a pension, and understand the differences in relation to tax relief, returns, withdrawals and inheritance.
Pension investments
If you’re saving into a pension, you might not be aware that your money is in fact invested and may even be wondering how and why it is.
How much money do you need to retire in the UK?
How much money you need to retire depends on your desired lifestyle and personal circumstances, like whether you’re married or have paid off the mortgage.
Be pension confident!
Combine your old pension pots into one new online plan. It takes just a few minutes to sign up.