Contribute your way
Add money to your pension in just a few clicks with Easy bank transfer or by setting up a regular bank transfer.
Free and flexible contributions
You can contribute once or on a regular basis. There are no minimum contributions, so you can save any amount, as often as you like.
Important: With investments, your capital is at risk. Pensions can go down in value as well as up, so you could get back less than you invest.

Get free tax top ups from HMRC
We'll automatically claim your 25% tax top up from HMRC for all eligible contributions. Higher and additional rate taxpayers can usually claim back extra tax relief.
For every £100 you add to your pension, the government will add another £25. For most eligible savers can get tax relief on pension contributions up to £60,000 or 100% of their salary (whichever is lower). Contributions over this limit are taxed at the highest rate of tax you pay.

Receiving employer contributions
If you’re the director of a limited company, you can make both employer and personal contributions to your pension. Company contributions may be considered an allowable business expense and could be offset against your company’s corporation tax.
If you’re employed, your employer’s required to enrol you into a workplace pension scheme, known as Auto Enrolment. This means you’ll benefit from your employer paying into your pension too. They may even contribute even if you don’t. You can ask your employer if they’d be happy to pay their contributions directly into your PensionBee pension. Your BeeKeeper will be able to help you set this up.

Plan ahead with our calculators
Our calculators can help you plan ahead for retirement. Use our Pension Calculator to understand how much you might need to save into your pension. See how much tax relief could be added to your pension with the Pension Tax Relief Calculator and learn how inflation could impact your pension pot value over time with the Inflation Calculator.
Start saving for a better retirement
Add money to your pension in a few clicks from your favourite device and view one clear balance that you can check anytime.