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The Pension Confident Podcast Series One, year in review: Five must listen moments

The Pension Confident Podcast

by , PensionBee Content

at PensionBee Content

13 Dec 2022 /  

Philippa Lamb, the host of The Pension Confident Podcast, smiling.

It’s been a busy 2022 in the pensions industry and beyond, with the cost of living crisis bringing financial challenges to us all. We’ve also been very busy on The Pension Confident Podcast tackling a range of important subjects across our monthly episodes.

A year on from our launch, we’ve covered a lot of ground. Whether you’re self-employed and trying to keep your pension on track, you’re looking for a more responsible way to invest, or are trying to keep money worries at bay, there’s been plenty to sink your teeth into across the series.

We’re still working hard behind the scenes to continue our mission of making pensions simple, whether you’re just starting your savings journey, nearing retirement or are somewhere in between. That’s why we’re delighted to announce that The Pension Confident Podcast’s returning for Series Two in January 2023!

Until then, there’s plenty of time to catch up on all of the episodes from Series One. To help you find a place to begin, we’ve compiled a list of highlights to kick-start your listening journey to pension confidence.

1. Is sustainable investing the future of pensions?

PensionBee Chief Engagement Officer; Clare Reilly says: “You can pretty much work out which companies are not going to survive in the future based on their inability to adjust. So, I think the short answer is yes, sustainable investing is definitely here to stay. I think the bigger question really is around the pace of change.”

Where better to start than the beginning? In our very first episode, we answer customer questions on sustainable investing and whether it can really help to make the world a better place.

Our guests are Founder of Money to the Masses; Damien Fahy, and Chief Engagement Officer at PensionBee; Clare Reilly.

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2. Why’s property ownership so important to people in the UK?

Founder of the Financial Joy Academy and The Humble Penny; Ken Okoroafor says: “Property gives you this gratification. You can see it, you can touch it, you can even paint it. We need to get better at helping people visualise the benefits of their pensions.”

Property ownership is a big deal in the UK and the market has seen huge growth over the past few decades. We discuss whether investing in property at the expense of your pension makes financial sense.

We speak to CMO of Habito; Abba Newbery, Founder of the Financial Joy Academy and The Humble Penny; Ken Okoroafor, and VP Brand and Communications at PensionBee; Rachael Oku.

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3. Where the responsibility lies when teaching kids about money

Certified Money Coach and Founder of The Money Whisperer; Emma Maslin says: “Parents out there, we do need you to equip yourselves to be in a position to start having those meaningful money conversations. And if you don’t feel confident in doing that, really advocating to get more and better education in our school settings.”

In this episode we talk all about the best ways to teach kids about money, who’s best equipped to do so, what tools are available and what the government needs to do to improve financial literacy in schools.

Business and Finance Journalist Laura Miller is joined by Co-Founder and CEO of NatWest Rooster Money; Will Carmichael, and Certified Money Coach, Founder of The Money Whisperer and PensionBee customer; Emma Maslin.

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4. Anyone can be affected by debt

Personal Finance Expert and Managing Director of Mrs Mummypenny, and PensionBee Customer; Lynn Beattie says: “I ended up funding an unsustainable lifestyle via my credit cards. I knew things were getting worse after 12 months, but I literally buried my head in the sand. I know I did, because I felt the shame of being in debt because I’m a Personal Finance Expert.”

We hear personal debt stories from PensionBee customers and discuss how financial difficulties can affect our wellbeing, along with providing some tips on how you can start to improve your own financial circumstances.

This episode features Personal Finance Expert and Managing Director of Mrs Mummypenny, and PensionBee Customer; Lynn Beattie, Research Officer at the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute; Chris Lees, and COO of PensionBee and Mental Health First Aider; Tess Nicholson

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5. What to think about when approaching retirement

Head of Media Relations at the PLSA; Mark Smith says: “First and foremost you have to be 55 (57 from 2028) to start withdrawing from your pension… if you want to carry on working and contributing to your pension, then you are limited at that point. So first thing’s first, make sure you actually need the money, or that you actually want to start accessing the money.”

This episode gives lots of useful information on when and how you can take your pension savings, as well as the different ways in which people are looking to spend their retirement years in the 21st century.

The studio guests include Financial Journalist and Founder of Much More With Less; Faith Archer, Head of Media Relations at the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA); Mark Smith and PensionBee’s Senior Engagement Manager, Priyal Kanabar.

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You can catch up on all of Series One wherever you listen to your podcasts, watch on YouTube, read the transcripts on The Buzz and keep up with the latest news on our dedicated Pension Confident Podcast page. Don’t forget to subscribe on your podcast app so you’re ready for the start of Series Two in 2023!

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If you’re enjoying the podcast, then why not leave us a review on your podcast app? Or if there’s a topic you’d like to see covered, drop us an email at

Risk warning

As always with investments, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you may get back less than you invest. Anything discussed on the podcast should not be regarded as financial advice.

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