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Mrs Mummypenny book launch: The Money Guide to Transform Your Life

Lynn Beattie

by , CEO and Founder

at Mrs Mummypenny

10 Sept 2020 /  

Sept 2020

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The Money Guide to Transform Your Life is my first book, which was published on 1 September. It’s been a labour of love over the past few months but I’m confident it’s going to help a lot of people. And, with the economy as it is, it couldn’t have come at a better time. 2020 has been tough, especially when it comes to our finances, and I suspect unfortunately it’s going to get worse. I wanted to write something meaningful to reassure people with clear ways to save money now and how to prepare for financial freedom.

I’m in my eighth year of writing my personal finance website, Mrs Mummypenny and it was about time that I wrote a book! Over the past few years, I’ve had the same questions asked of me time and time again: “How do I read more about your guidance?” and “Where can I go for information apart from reading through hundreds of blog posts on your website?”. I’ve cherry-picked the best of my knowledge and guidance and have created The Money Guide to Transform Your Life.

My goal with The Money Guide to Transform Your Life

My goal is for everyone, in particular women, to have financial understanding and freedom. This book gives you access to the tools and the confidence you need to manage your money now and in the future. What could be more transformative?

My book is handily split into two parts with lots of chapters that make it easy to pick up and down, easily finding what you need. Part one starts with the financial story of my life, revealing how several massive events have shaped my relationship with money in different ways - some good, some bad. I do this to show the extent to which our relationship with money is emotional, it’s part of who we are and not something rational and objective.

Reading through the lens of my story will hopefully help you to see your own relationship with money in a new and potentially revolutionary light. Part one goes on to cover short-term personal finance, everyday management that many women must do and figure out for themselves. I talk budgeting, money saving on household bills, food, family time, healthy body and mind. I also talk about more taboo subjects such as debt repayment and making money.

Part two is about medium to long-term finance. Once you’ve championed part one making savings, paying off debt and having created your emergency fund, you can move towards your future financial freedom. There are chapters on wills, insurance, savings, investing, pensions(of course!) and setting up your own business.

I’ve made LOTS of mistakes through life with these finance areas, and I don’t hold back in revealing some of the messy places I’ve landed, my pensions mess being one these mistakes. I’m too scared to work out the impact on my pension of opting out of my pension during my 20s.

We’re all human. If there’s a better place to learn from than mistakes, I don’t know about it. Though if by sharing mine, I can save you from making the same ones that would be a real success in my mind!

Foreword by Romi Savova, Founder & CEO of PensionBee

I was incredibly honoured to have Romi be the first reader of the book and to write my foreword. I cried the first time I read it! It meant a huge amount to have such incredible words from Romi, a businesswoman who I’m hugely inspired by. She’s shaken up an old-school industry in the most incredible way and I’m so proud to not only work with PensionBee, but also that my pension future is secured by PensionBee.

The Money Guide to Transform Your Life offers a blueprint for managing money effectively and with intent. The book is chock full with practical, first-hand and hard-learned tips. It’s an engaging and devourable explanation of how to budget, how to do the weekly shop and how to enjoy holidays without the subsequent guilt trip. The Money Guide to Transform Your Life will demystify savings, including the all-necessary emergency fund, and of course the long-term benefits of pensions, the topic closest to my own heart. With a little effort, this book can save you money right now, help you get out of debt, build up a nest egg for retirement and get you in control of your finances.” - Romi Savova, CEO at PensionBee.

You can buy the book directly from my website and get a signed copy.

Lynn Beattie is a PensionBee customer and CEO/Founder of Mrs Mummypenny, a personal finance website. She is also an ACMA management Accountant, previously working in commercial finance for Tesco, EE & HSBC. Lynn is a single mum to three boys, living in Hertfordshire, and is the author of ‘The Money Guide to Transform Your Life‘ published in September 2020.

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